

No stranger to working two and three jobs Michele Green knows the meaning of hustle. Working in the casino industry on the executive level 9-5 and picking up extra shifts selling change on the casino floor, Michele worked hard to provide a safe and loving environment for her son Bryant McKinnie.

Raised in a single parent household in Woodberry, New Jersey, Green did not let the absence of Bryant’s father take a toll on her ability to provide a stable home.
Open to letting her son blossom as a student athlete, and not tied to any specific sport, Bryant wrestled early on. In fact once as her form of non traditional punishment Michele enrolled her son into a step class with her, at the local gym. Growing to be a whopping 6’8″ most kids would be falling all over themselves at that height, not McKinnie. He used was agile and able to use his height to his advantage.

Surprisingly the step classes greatly improved Bryant’s coordination. Making him unlike any other student athlete. Michele’s choice to put her son in those classes played a major part in Bryant’s athleticism. After going to a junior college and then being scouted by the University of Miami after an amazing run at UM, McKinnie entered the draft and went to the Minnesota Vikings as an Offensive Tackle where he played from 2002 until 2010 before he would be picked up by the Baltimore Ravens. During his time with the Ravens 2011-2013 the team won Super Bowl XLVII.
New to the luxuries and opportunities NFL money affords Michele found it hard to get used to not working her normal 9-5 job. Able to afford the fancy furs, designer bags and hottest trends in fashion Michele slowly started to break out of her budget conscience spending habits and began to enjoy the finer things in life. She began going to the gym more regularly, just as she used to when Bryant was a child.

Being a woman of God and firm in her faith, one day while having a cup of coffee God spoke to Michele. Calling upon her to lean on him for support and in need and not her son. Although like most professional athletes Bryant’s goal was to take care of his mother, give her the best things in life.

Finding her own feet again Michele decided to write a book in an effort to tell her story.  Michele hopes to help other mothers who may be in the same situation. Her book Entitled: A NFL Mom’s Story of The Pitfalls of Money and Power shares her families unexpected journey to the NFL & the power of money and losing yourself. Understanding what’s really important and how to take ” self examinations” to make sure you’re still living in reality. Now, we all could use a dose of reality when the material things of life start to cloud our judgement.


Michele Green

The book comes from a unique standpoint, is touching and informative. Allowing readers to learn what truly goes on behind the number, shoulder pads and helmet of an NFL player from a mother’s experience. Green is completely transparent in the book speaking about her mistakes, and the things she’s done right. Raising a high profile NFL player/Super Bowl Champion on your own is no easy feat.

Ms. Green states:

“-Anything you hold on too tightly, you will lose. It is easy to drift into self, but every now and then you have to take a self-examination, keep yourself in-check and access where your head space is. I named this book, ENTITLED, because I drifted from one mindset to another. I went from being humbled to ENTITLED. I started living in a world of make believe and found myself in a broken state all due to the power of money. If you have lost sight and focus of what is really important to you, you need this book. It will help put wealth into perspective, stay strong in your faith and never lose sight of your humble beginnings.”

Now she doesn’t have all the answers but I’m pretty sure she can tell you a little bit about a lot. A senior at Liberty University, Green is majoring in Theology. In addition to her college courses Green is the newly elected president of the Professional Football Players Mothers Association (PFPMA).

PFPMA’s is community service organization. With a foundation built upon service, support and success PFPMA is a non-profit service organization dedicated to educating, supporting and informing mothers about the business of professional football, supporting charitable causes in communities throughout America.

As head of the organization Michele is using her caring nature and general love of people to give back in her community. Michele is an active participant with “Hope Mobile” a meal delivery service for those in need. Preparing for several community service events from a scholarship ball anticipated to be held in Atlanta, Ga. to a spring football camp for women, Michele has ideas and she’s using this platform to put them in motion.

Just like his mom, Bryant has a big heart and is loving by nature. Sponsoring “Prom Wishes” for deserving less fortunate families. Bryant has done this consistently for the last 4 years. Paying for the candidates dresses, hair, nails and even sponsoring their dates expenses at times. Ensuring that the deserving young lady had everything to make her night memorable. This is his way of giving back, from the kindness of his heart.

Formerly signed with the Miami Dolphins and now retired Bryant isn’t the flashy type, but you can catch a peak into his lifestyle on the new series Love & Hip Hop Miami. In case you’re wondering, you won’t catch Michele on any of the episodes of the show.

When asked one piece of advice she would leave to mothers who may have sons entering the league. Michele firmly believes in confiding in a veteran mom. Find someone with wisdom and ask questions, the women of the PFPMA are loving, welcoming and willing to help.

Ms. Green is one mother who is willing to stand in the gap for the players and moms. If anyone wishes to reach out with questions, comments, speaking opportunities or testimonials on how her book has touched you, she can be found on Instagram @4shellygirl or by email at 

For more information on the NFL mom association PFPMA visit the website at 

Michele joined us for #SETRealTalkTuesday.  Take a look at that interview here:


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