Lebron James is a business, man. Making the statement, “More Than An Athlete” even more factual. LeBron owns several successful businesses, and has added media to his resume by producing a handful of movies and TV shows. His latest venture was the Netflix show Self Made, which premiered on March 20. Self Made is based on the life of Madam CJ Walker, America’s first black, self-made millionaire. Self Made follows Madam CJ Walker’s life as she overcomes adversity, prejudice, and trauma to impact and inspire millions leaving an undeniable legacy in the beauty industry.

In a recent interview before Self Made’s premiere, Octavia Spencer revealed that it was LeBron James and Maverick Carter who stopped her from ‘graciously’ walking away. LeBron and Maverick fought for Spencer to be paid adequately, fairly for her participation in the series. Octavia Spencer revealed that at this point in her career, she expects certain things out of the contract. If they are not offered to her, she is used to walking away from projects. Lebron wasn’t having it. He ‘advocated’ for her worth. Spencer went on to play the role and she bodied it!
LeBron James has 28 tv/shows under his production belt and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. More Than a Game in 2008 was LeBron’s first documentary as a producer. He went on to produce More Than an Athlete (2018-19), The Wall (2019) and Million Dollar Mile (2019), and Space Jam 2, which is currently in post-production. On Her Own Ground, another mini-series on the life of Madam CJ Walker is also produced by James and is currently being filmed.