A sports poll was taken and 62 percent of his fellow league mates voted Kevin Garnett the “Biggest Trash Talker” in the NBA. Sixty-two percent of the players in the league agree. Garnett has been known to hit under the belt with on the court comments about opponents looks, deceased mom’s and their wives. The “off-limits” subject matters are his usual picks. Garnett’s insults get under the skin of the strongest warrior. He throws off the most concentrated player. When opponents naturally respond back, it’s usually in anger, then the referee’s calls go against the reaction and Kevin walks away with a smile.
The latest casualty to the Garnett assault is NY Knicks Carmello Anthony. Still angry about comments Garnett made about his wife. Carmello attempted to confront Garnett after a recent game and became enraged and was suspended for one game, consequently loosing over $175,700 of his $19.4 million salary. Garnett walked away, in control. He’s not only in control on the court but off it too. Garnett even controls how his team treats him. Garnett has a “no trade clause” in his contract that means he decides when and where he is traded. One thing for sure, Kevin Garnett’s star continues to rise and he works hard to keep it that way. Congratulations on being the 16th player in NBA history to score 25,000 points. That’s a mile stone.