
HELP me invest in the individual, HELP me invest in the future and HELP me invest in change.” Powerful, yet passionate words of Russel Wilson, Super Bowl Winning Quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks and who just recently wed R&B star Ciara, when referencing his vision for the, “Why Not You Foundation.” A foundation that was created to incite change by focusing on the individual.

The foundation believes in inspiring children to believe. To believe that they too, can accomplish anything that they’ve set their minds to and that anything is possible. Russell was taught these same philosophies by his father and honors him through the foundation in an effort to “pay if forward” and give back to the communities to help teach and encourage our youth of the future.

So it makes complete “cents” why his new clothing line is named, Goodman Brand. The name of the clothing line in itself breathes positivity and affirmation. The, G-O-O-D-M-A-N Brand. is what all parents want their sons to be when they grow up right? Confident and being of good character and having good moral values. Not only does this brand symbolize and embody who Russel Wilson is, but also what he wants his clothing line to represent.

True to Russell’s own style, the clothing line bodes, sheik-retro with a finer things in life flare. The brand offers everything from simple, but stylish hats with Goodman stitching engrossed front and center which adds to his collection of sweater type blazers, henley style t-shirts, polos and suede sneakers.

If you picture Russell’s clothing style off the field you would have captured the Goodman Brand style. Only available at 20 plus Nordstrom’s and some select mom and pop stores. Price points are a little high ranging from an $80 tee-shirts to $345 shoes. But for every item that is sold $3 goes to the Why Not You Foundation to aide in changing a young generation…… mind, one child, one community at a time.


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