How Colin Kaepernick Is Making A Difference

Colin Kaepernick caused quite the stir this NFL season by using his platform and first amendment rights to protest racial injustice in America. While it
Teammates selected Colin Kaepernick to win 49ers’ most prestigious award

Colin Kaepernick has polarized fans and it was once thought he caused division in the locker room. The latter has proven to be false. Colin
Colin Kaepernick vows to make sure you Know Your Rights

While most NFL players are using their bye week to relax and spend time with loved ones, one particular QB chose to spend his weekend
QB Taking a Knee for Justice Inspires National Offensive Line

The NFL’s opening weekend is a ceremonial beginning to autumn across the United States. People from various demographics sit in the stadiums or stare at
Kaepernick Took A Stand To Sit

Taking a stand. Or rather taking a stand to sit is what Colin Kaepernick did in exercising his rights as an American Citizen. People were outraged